
Julia Paris

Education: Pursuing a B.A. in Public Policy from Stanford University

Projects: Coro Northern California; JVS; Planned Parenthood Federation of America

Personal interest: Running, thrift shopping, canoeing, listening to Freakonomics

Julia is an undergraduate student at Stanford University majoring in Public Policy. She previously served as a Junior Policy Officer in the Canadian Department of Women and Gender Equality. Currently, she is studying international trade agreements as a research assistant at Stanford’s Department of Political Science.

Julia has advocated for the effective enforcement of Title IX, a law governing schools’ obligations to address sexual violence on campus. Working with two friends, she coordinated a national effort encouraging students at 30 universities to submit comments regarding changes to Title IX guidance. She also wrote and circulated a statement regarding the changes, which was signed by 1160 members of the Stanford community. 

Originally from Ottawa, Canada, Julia enjoys the outdoors, and goes on canoe trips with her family every summer.